miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2020

Be Careful

Fortunately everyone today talks about the benefits of planting a tree as an activity to help the planet and to contribute to the generation of oxygen, and with this, contribute with our grain of sand. 
To reforest is to follow up on an environmental study, it is very important that when planting a tree we analyze and know the area where it will be located; The balance of nature is very sensitive, and doing it without the knowledge can even be harmful to ecosystems.

Each tree is different and consequently each one has specific places to live. Bad reforestation could even break some food chains, alter the environment and the soil, resulting in a negative impact on what should be sustainable management that will generate life in the future. 

Reforestation is generally implemented where the tree cover has been reduced by climatic conditions or human activities. The most recommended when reforesting is to use native species that existed in the area, since in this way we will maintain the original landscape, and most importantly, we will not put other plant and animal species, that are part of the macro and micro habitats that maintain a balance in the ecosystems of the world, at risk.



Maintaining the landscape when reforesting is respecting the life that gives life to us and to other many species. Deforestation instead kills the planet's lungs.

1 comentario:

  1. I agree with this article because reforestation gives us life.
